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Glory to Jesus! Welcome to the Saint Francis House website. My name is Fr. Daniel Hickman, and I am the executive director of Saint Francis House here in Orlando, Florida. First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to visit our website and see what this ministry is all about. Saint Francis House has been serving the needs of the Orlando community since 1985, when it took in its 

Fr Daniel Hickman, Executive Director

“He who is kind to the needy honors God.”


Proverb 14:31

St. Francis House of Hospitality 
Daniel Hickman, Executive Director

first resident. Since that time, the house has been helping terminally ill men get back on their feet by providing them with housing and sustenance. Today, this ministry continues, and we seek to glorify God through helping our neighbors. For, as a Proverb states, "He who is kind to the needy honors God." It is in this spirit that we continue to reach out to our neighbors in need and further the work of the house. That being said, I ask that you please consider supporting our ministry, for when we share with others in need, God is pleased without sacrifice.

Message from the Executive Director:

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